Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Slowly but Surely

Recovery is going well, although taking longer than expected. The problem turned out to be some deep tissue soreness in my quads and that means massage - painful massage. Dave tendorized me a few times last week and I have had a few goes on the massage roller. Seems to be helping as I managed 54k last week with 2 x 1hr runs on the weekend with minimal soreness. Will be doing 1hr every 2nd day this week with a 1/2 hour in between. Pulled up a little sore after yesterdays hour in my left quad sore punished it with a rolling pin for an hour or so. Seemed to work well so might keep doing that.

I am confident that I am slowly on the mend, but I will need to focus on working my quads for the next few weeks. So long as I keep massaging them, they should come good eventually and I can continue to build up slowly. Bunbury 50k is the next race however I need to get at least 2 x 50k training runs done before I'll race it. Not going to do anything that might jeopardize the 24hr race now. I made the decision last week that if I don't feel 100% ready for the Nationals in June then I have the option of skipping them and aiming for Caboolture instead, which is about 5 weeks later. This decision will probably need to be made by the end of May.

In the mean time I'll just continue to do what I can, run every day and massage, massage, massage.


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