Sunday, January 18, 2009

Weekly Washup

Another solid training week in which I logged 140k with some really good quality sessions. 3 Double days this week and Tuesday saw a Huge 4 min PB on my 10k Kwinana trail run (with over 400mtrs climbing), which I ran in 46:46. Backed up the next day with a new 20k course PB of 1:29.26, which was my first time under 1:30 for over a year. Felt pretty tired on Thursday but got through. Rest on Friday for a HUGE weekend.

Managed only 2hrs sleep on Friday Night and up at 1:15am to get ready for the long run. Dave arrived at 2:40 and we left soon after. Needed to get to Byford in 3hrs to meet the other group for a trail run so that equation was 34k in 3hrs. Started well knocking off 12k in the first hour and continued for another 30min or so until I started to get tired. The usual problem of the cumulative toll of the high weekly k's leaving little speed in the legs by Saturday. Still ran ok, getting to Byford in 3hrs (30k) and then was picked up. Within the first 3k of the trail run I realized this was not going to happen, so I piked and ran into Armadale, which was closer that I thought so continued on to Kelmscott then caught the train home for a 50k total. Wen Snorkling to recover, slept for 10min, then got ready to head to Mandurah for my sister in law's wedding. Had a great night with an awesome Buffet BBQ, good free drinks and some great dancing. Left the reception about 1am and got back to our hotel room at 1:15 (24hrs after getting up). Still had some adrenaline going so flicked on the telly to see the Sydney Marathon telecast from 2008 - SCORE!!! Although I already knew who won, still watched it until about 2am when the body finally decided to call it quits, 25hrs after getting up. Woke up at 8:30 and had to get up as we needed to check out by 10, then the day got going again. Felt surprisingly good during the arvo 16k run and was happy to get to bed at 9:30. A good solid 140k week.

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