Monday, May 11, 2009

Bunbury this week!

Still trying to work out how to enter! Have emailed the RD and President to make sure I can enter on Sat but so far no reply.

Training has been going well. Last Sunday was a hard hour (probably too hard) and I covered about 14.5k, pulled up fairly sore. Some 30 minute runs during the week, not too fast but built into them. Wednesday was another hard hour but with hills in kwinana. First 8k with rolling hills in 34min and then I ran my true hills course (4k) which is just up for 1k then down the other side and back up and down. Ended up easing off towards the end as I was getting sore so finished with 13k in 58 minutes which I was happy with.

Was still quite sore on Thursday's run so took 2 days off running. Went for a nice 17k on Sunday and run comfortable although chuck in a few faster sections just to get ready. Taking it easy this week and hopefully be fresh for Sunday, my only concern will be how long until I start to get sore. I'm pretty sure I'll be feeling it before I finish the marathon but we'll see what happens.

Goals for the race will be marathon PB (hopefully sub 3hr) and 50k PB (hopefully sub 3:40). Plan is to run the first half in 1:28 and assess things from there. This will be a good position to go sub 3hr but also means that I only need a 1:40 second half to get a marathon PB which should also mean a sub 3:50 50k. This all means nothing if I can't enter though!

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