Sunday, July 27, 2008


Well, made it 2hrs in my friday night run until my achilies started to tighten up again so I had to stop. Dissappointed to only manage 22k, but what can you do? Made it through umpiring on Sunday without too many problems and very happy to get through 30min this morning. Will go for another 30min run tonight and if I pull up ok then will build up a bit more tomorrow.

I hate being injured because I am really motivated to train hard and perform well at Caboolture but I'm just not able to. I just need to keep in mind that my goal for the race is 162k, a target that is quite achievable. I want to learn from this race and come back in 2009 and give it a real crack - anyway I'm getting off topic. I hope that by easing back into things I 'll be back on my feet soon with some big k's


trailblazer777 said...

Talk to Dave about the calf raises I told him to do, which fixed his injury (and mine back in 2006)...

trailblazer777 said...

do it this week...calf raises are the way to fix it for sure...seen this one played out on cool running several times...if you dont fix it it will hang around like a bad smell for months or years wrecking your training..calf raises are more than likely the way to fix it...
and rest from running whenever it flares up.

trailblazer777 said...

leave it for 3 months and it will take 3 months to fix it. leave it for 6 months it will take 6 months to fix it etc etc, rest and do calf raises for a few weeks (daily working towards 3x30 twice daily or more) and it will be fixed in less than a month...
ok I'll try shutup for a bit now...