Sunday, July 13, 2008

2008 Perth Marathon

Well I had a great race - without doubt my best marathon ever. Started well and ran with the 3hr bus for a few minutes before coming to my senses and easing off a little. Through 10k in 43 minutes and felt good. I decided to ease back again at 16k as I was easily on my 3:15 pace and I knew I had to umpire in the afternoon so didn't want to kill myself. I planned to go through half way in 1:35 and ended up with 1:35.21 @ 21.1k. I remained comfortable until 30k, allowing a few people to pass me and fighting the urge to push too hard. At the 30k mark I checked the watch which read 2:16 so I needed to run the last 12.2k in 59 minutes to get my 3:15. I thought this might be tough so I put my foot down. With my increased pace I began to gradually overtake those that had passed me earlier and I was still feeling strong.

With 6k to go I was starting to get a little tired but by now I was so close and it was then that I realised that sub 3:10 was a possibility. I couldn't think about running any faster so I just set myself the task of overtaking everyone I could see. This pushed me on and and with about 600m to go I passed the final runner a could see. I then just let loose to try and get the best time possible. My official time was 3:10.51 with splits of 1:35.21 and 1:35.30, so I was really happy. Had to leave straight away to get to umpiring which is basically and tough 2hr fartlek session.

The following week was a holiday in Busselton and although a recovery week I still managed 114k. Training starts again this week and I now have only 4 weeks of training before I start my taper for the 24hr race. FYI I just found out that Mick Francis and Paul Every are doing the 24hr as well so my chances of a place are non-existent but it will be a real honour to run with these guys (and others).

1 comment:

trailblazer777 said...

Well done! awesome PB effort.
well paced race!
There is a sub 3 there if you want it in the next year or two.

tough gig to go umpire afterwards as well!

"although a recovery week I still managed 114k" that quotes enough to make a few of us choke on our breakfast.....
All the best with the 24hour, hope its a great experience for you, and all the best with the next 4 weeks, looks like you already have a good base in place, just need to keep things ticking along for a few more weeks...Be interesting to see how close you get to Mick Francis, you might not be far off him...

I just put my entry in for Melbourne marathon, so thats my remaining big goal race for 2008 hopefully (if I can juggle everything well), plus maybe 6 inch...

all the best with the leadup to the 24hr race!