Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekly Washup

Another solid week with 160k logged. This week I planned to increase my Wednesday and Sunday runs. Wednesday is now a solid 2hr session and I felt pretty good this week although struggled a little at first but still managed 26k in 2:01.32. Was really tired the following arvo for my trail run and recorded a PW of 53:46 for the 10k loop, not too concerned as I felt really average and just completing it was a challenge.

Long Run was back with Dave this week and we wanted to christen the new Perth-Bunbury Hwy so after running to the Fwy we headed south along the still dirt hwy with the plan of getting to Pinjarra road, running back into Mandurah and getting a train home. At 5:30 the road workers started to come out and as we weren't meant to be on the hwy we decided it was time to get off before we got caught. We made a slight detour and ended up running back to Dave's house for 42k, then another 8k to make it up to 50k. Total time (including stops) was 4:48 and it felt really easy, after the rest week I really need to up the long runs to 60k to get the most out of them.

Sunday was real tough as I had attacked a blister on Sat night and it was insanely sore Sunday - had trouble even walking. At the trail I decided to just walk and let the dog run around and after a few painful attempts at running, I managed to get going and completed the 18k necessary to finish with 160k for the week.

The body has been struggling over the last few weeks and I have been constantly tired all year from the training/work commitments. As a result it's definitely time for a rest week, to freshen up and get rid of a few niggles. Will just run when I want to this week, hopefully still get 2hrs on Wed but we'll see. Busso 1/2 on this weekend so heading down for that and hoping for a solid sub 1:30 (maybe even a pb). With over 630k in January I'm too concerned about keeping up the k's this week. Just relax, recover and get back into it next week for a 4 week block until Coburg 6hr.

1 comment:

trailblazer777 said...

Thats it keep going with the master plans...and make the most of rest times when you can. Have to laugh about the highway the next few days Kathryn and I will be in our new house which is on the Mandurah train line, so hope to catch up some time.
All the best with the next few weeks, as the Coburg race draws already have in place some great training, just need to finish the job.