Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly Summary

Another 100k this week but there wasn't a whole lot of quality there. Struggled with really sore legs and Back from Cricket on Sunday and was essentially running in recovery mode for the majority of the week.

Had a good 40k in the hills on Saturday although my lack of hill training showed over the last 15k and I had to walk some of the steeper sections. Did the first 6k in 29:15 and was feeling good arriving at Kingsbury Rd (23k) in just over 2hrs. From here though the hills got the better of me and things slowed dramatically finishing in 3:50 - about 1:45 for the last 17k. I knew I needed to work on the hilly stuff so I know I'll gain a lot out of the run, as the saying goes 'if it hurts, it's working!'

Finished the week with the Peninsula 10k in 42:xx, not as fast as I wanted but was pretty sore from the 40k and it was my first real speed session in a few months.

The more I think about the IM marathon the more inclined I am to not push too hard. I'm not in good shape so realistically a PB is not on the cards and the temperature could be a big factor. I'm sure things will change on race day but if I could go under 3:30 I would be happy - I'm there for the experience not to PB.

Looking forward to having some better sessions this week


1 comment:

trailblazer777 said...

well done on the 40k! backing up with a solid 10k should consolidate the gains from the 40k even more. Was good to catch up a bit after. Agree re the IM being more an experience thing, depends on the weather, your training progress and other factors, whether a PB is possible. One thing it has going for it is a very flat course...